How to write a good review

Reviews help 2GIS users make choices, while companies get feedback from their customers. We do not delete reviews upon a company’s request, but we do check reported reviews. The only valid reason for deleting a review is policy violation.

You can find the complete reviews policy under Legal on 2GIS website. The key principle of the policy is that a review should be a useful feedback from a real customer of the business.

To learn more about 2GIS UI for posting reviews, see the article “How to post a review of a business”. Below you will find the best practices with some examples of helpful reviews.

How do I know if my review is helpful

  1. You have recently personally purchased goods or services from the company.
  2. Your review has detailed information about pros and cons supported by facts.
  3. You don’t work for the company and are not connected with its competitors in any way.
  4. You don’t include any external links, everything is in the text.
  5. Your review is easy to read, with no all caps, obscene or offensive language, with proper punctuation and paragraphs.

Your personal experience is what matters

A good review reflects your personal experience. Make sure to give details, such as how you picked the company, how you rate the product or service, staff performance and the whole customer service process.

Do not write reviews based on someone else’s experience or rate a service received by another person. You might not like your friend’s haircut, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like their hairdresser, too. This doesn’t apply to little kids or elderly people who don’t know how to use a computer. If you have been there when they received the service, you can write a review for them.

Review companies you actually have received services from

Your review should be based on your experience of getting a product or service. If for some reason you have deliberately refused to buy from that company (too expensive, didn’t like the interior design, too long to wait for delivery), you can’t write a review.

Each company has its own rules of customer service, such as face control, delivery area, order submission policy or required prepayment, etc. If you choose not to buy a service or product because you don’t like the company’s rules, please don’t write a review. It’s not fair to lower the company’s ratings just because something doesn’t suit you.

Reviews are not to be used as a competition weapon

Do not write reviews about the company you work for or represent, even if you do use its services. It’s not possible to be unbiased in such case. Also, it wouldn’t be fair to post reviews about competitors. Leave the actual and helpful rating for the common customers.

Your review should be easy to read

Keep in mind that people will use your review to make a decision. Don’t forget about grammar, punctuation and paragraphs, do not overuse emojis or all caps. Do not write a poem or a fiction story — choose meaning over form. Try to stick to the subject, so that the reader knows what they should pay attention to when making a choice.

Why can reviews be deleted

To improve service quality or fix issues, a company can ask the review author to prove their experience by providing the date and time of the visit, describing their order, or sending the receipt. If the user doesn’t reply to that request within four days, the review will be hidden. The user will still have a chance to write another review and include all the necessary information about the visit.

Helpful and complete reviews don’t get deleted, no matter how high or low you rate the company.

Enjoy your buying experiences! We are happy to hear your feedback.