Achievements in 2GIS: what they mean and how to get them
Where do I find my achievements?
I have done everything as advised, but haven’t got an achievement
I have uploaded photos, but don’t see any achievement progress
My corrections have not been counted
The moderator has rejected my photos or reviews
What is an achievement?
An achievement is what you get as a sign of our gratitude for your input and help. Achievements are virtual, and available in your 2GIS apps.
Where do I find my achievements?
Your achievements live in “My 2GIS” section that you can access from the mobile app home screen, both on iOS and Android.
On the website, you can find achievements section in your user profile.
How do I get an achievement?
Prove yourself as an active user: search for companies and places, build routes, report errors, add traffic alerts, upload photos and reviews — and you will get achievements in no time.
Available achievements
Use the 2GIS app at least 3 times a month: build routes, search for places and companies.
I seek you
Use the search bar: find an ATM, a grocery store, a post office, a library and a theater in 2GIS and open their cards.
Nice shot
Add 3 photos to different building cards. To do it, just type in the address in the search bar and tap “Add photo“ in the card.
Wait till your photos are approved, and the achievement is yours.
How to add a photo to a company or a building
Eager writer
Write 3 reviews (longer than 100 characters each) about different companies.
To do that, recall where you’ve been recently, which companies you’ve visited and what you’ve purchased. Describe your client experience in detail.
Tree hugger
Add 5 photos of parks, fountains, public gardens, or squares to their cards.
To add a photo, make sure that an object has its own card with a title at the top.
All booked
Tell us where you get the books: add reviews or photos to 3 cards of libraries or bookstores. Any combination will count: 2 reviews + 1 photo, 1 review + 2 photos, 3 reviews or photos — your choice! Just make sure that you add them to 3 different cards.
Inspector McPlace
Send corrections about three companies that have been permanently closed. To do that, open a card of the company, tap ”Found an error?“ in the bottom and choose “Company has been closed“.
Attach photo evidence if possible.
Road knight
Submit 5 traffic alerts — accidents, blockings, repairs of roads and sidewalks.
How to report an accident, a road closure or a speed camera
Add photos and / or reviews to any 5 of the local grocery stores, supermarkets or hypermarkets.
Your reviews should be over 100 characters long.
Add 5 photos to the cards of different bus stops and metro entrances. These objects shouldn’t be parts of any buildings — for example, if a metro entrance is situated in a shopping mall, it will not count.
Bar crawler
Choose any 5 bars and write reviews (longer than 100 characters each) or add photos — or you can do both.
Find 3 kiosks, take a snap of them and add photos to their cards in 2GIS.
Add 10 photos of buildings, parks, public gardens, streets, squares and attractions. The pictures should be the first ones in each card.
Town dweller
Add 5 photos of different playgrounds, workout grounds, outdoor rinks or fitness parks, or send us updates about new similar places.
To report a new company to 2GIS, tap on the map in the right place, tap “Found an error?” and then choose “Object on the map is missing”. Describe what’s missing and upload a photo if possible>
Write 3 reviews (longer than 100 characters each) about taxi or carsharing services you use.
Good boy
Tell us about your pet's 5 favorite companies: add photos or reviews (longer than 100 characters each) for pet shops, vet clinics, pet hotels, grooming services or dog runs.
Add the missing data about the phone number, website or social media accounts to the cards of three companies via "Found an error?" button.
Write 3 reviews (longer than 100 characters each) about cooked food delivery or groceries delivery services.
Write reviews (longer than 100 characters each) and add photos for 5 different coffee shops.
Flower child
Add photos or reviews (longer than 100 characters each) for 5 flower shops.
Local hero
Find the nearest monument on the map and open its card, then build a route to this monument by car or by public transport. Go there. Once you have reached your destination, take a picture of the monument and add it to its card in 2GIS.
Car expert

Add at least 10 photos and / or reviews for companies like Car services, Tire shops or Parking lots. To get the achievement you also need to drive at least 10km with 2GIS navigation. If you take several trips that sum up to 10km or more, that also counts.
Public transport expert

Use Route search for public transit and build at least 10 routes to different locations or companies. Try building a route for your commute!

Upload 20 photos to the cards of the buildings that have no pictures yet. To do it, type in a building address in the search bar, tap “Add photo“ and upload a full-size picture of the building.
Number 1

Be the first one to discover things: report new companies via the “Add company” form, upload photos to the cards of the places that do not have any images yet, write first reviews. You have to take 20 actions in total.
How to add a company to the 2GIS directory
How to add a photo to a company or a building
How to write a review of a company
Voice of the streets

Upload 20 photos or reviews for buildings, sports grounds and playgrounds. Keep in mind that people will use your pictures and reviews when looking for a place to live, or visiting friends nearby.

When you arrive in a new city or country, download the 2GIS map and launch the app. Take a walk with 2GIS. As soon as you hit 10 cities, the achievement is yours.
Please note that we only count different 2GIS projects. Visiting two closely situated cities that are in the same package counts as one city. Also, the progress does not run if you just download the map — you have to actually visit the city. Make sure you enable location access (phone settings → 2GIS → Location).
Gastro gangster

Add helpful reviews and / or photos for restaurants, bars, coffee and pastry shops, fastfood restaurants, sushi bars, fresh bars and hot drinks sale points, cafe and cafeteria, cooked food delivery or catering.
To get an achievement you need to upload at least 10 pictures or reviews. Any combinations count, for example you can add 3 pictures + 7 reviews or 2 reviews and 8 photos. The point is, those have to be for different places.
Style icon

Share 10 photos or reviews for hair salons, barbershops, nail studios or beauty salons. Any 10 items count, for example 1 picture + 9 reviews or 4 pictures + 6 reviews. The point is, those have to be for different places.
Premiere minister

Post reviews and pictures for culture and art places you visit. To get the achievement, you need to add 10 items to the company cards in categories like Theatres, Museums, Music venues, Art exhibitions / Galleries, or to the cards of the main city sights.
Chief physician

Tell people about organizations you would trust your health care to. Add pictures and reviews for hospitals, medical centers and clinics, medical laboratories, dental centers, pharmacies, maternity clinics, gynaecologist and pediatric services. To get the achievement you need to upload 5 photos or reviews for different places.
Chief editor

Add 10 corrections for 2GIS directory: change operation hours, add missing categories, social media links or payment methods. Also, tell us about new companies.
How to add a company to the 2GIS directory
Your corrections will have to go through a review before they can be credited for the achievement. Make sure you have the latest map and you’ve signed in.
City expert

Help others discover newly opened places — report 50 new companies or branches.
See what’s going on in your neighborhood and spot places that are about to open. Follow social media communities for your city and pay attention to ads that announce openings.
Your corrections will have to go through a review before they can be credited for the achievement. Make sure you have the latest map and you’ve signed in.
I have done everything as advised, but haven’t got an achievement
See if all your content has been approved (check the status of your photos, reviews and corrections in your profile or on My 2GIS).
Make sure you had signed in before you uploaded the content, and everything you’ve added is present in your user profile.
Make sure the uploaded content is eligible for an achievement: the company should be present in the categories you mention, and your photos or reviews should have passed moderation.
I have uploaded photos, but don’t see any achievement progress
Make sure your photos have passed moderation. You can check this in your user profile or on My 2GIS tab.
Make sure the uploaded content is eligible for an achievement: the company should be present in the categories you mention, and your photos or reviews should have passed moderation.
My corrections have not been counted
Make sure you have signed in. Anonymous corrections are not credible for achievements.
See if your corrections have been reviewed and approved. You can check the status in your user profile or under My 2GIS.
You can only get achievements for corrections about places or companies. Corrections you make on transit lines or time tables are not counted.
The moderator has rejected my photos or reviews
To see why your content has been blocked, go to your profile. Remember to review the guidelines and best practices here:
I have got an achievement. Do I get a gift now?
An achievement is a way to thank you for your helpful photos, reviews and corrections, and tell others about your contribution. We don’t give away gifts for achievements.